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Chaos Scatter

Showing 9 of 133

Clumping / Cluster

We need some clustering / clumping options. Please please!
Guest 6 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 1 Pending

Access scatter instances positions as scene objects without converting

When scattering high resolution proxies its often the case that in order to use those objects to drive other scatters we need to use a distance map to generate a map for scatters. This is extremely inefficient because of the way the distance map w...
Guest 23 days ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 2 Pending

Ability to use VrayDecal as a scatter element with ChaosScatter/ForestPack/Raiclone

Ability to use VrayDecal as a scatter element with ChaosScatter, and or ForestPack and RailClone. (like CoronaDecal works with ChaosScatter). We could have finally a way to texture bomb about anything on anything.
Ashley Van Iseghem 7 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 4 Pending

offset animation of scattered animated objects to avoid synchronization

No description provided
Guest 7 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Ivy generator

Ivy generator like C4D has in its Maxon One subsciption for Red Shift. Could be part of scatter.
Guest 5 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Ability to set the scale for individual objects inside chaos scatter

I dont want to resize the original geometry for a lot of reasons, i want the ability to change the size of it inside chaos scatter. Thx!
Guest 6 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

select individual objects of scatter in vantage

No description provided
Guest 7 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Be able to put an empty or dummy geometry in the scatter for advanced distributions

Right now if you put a no renderable geometry in chaos scatter it will be rendered, what we need is to be able to do so in order to make some advanced scatter effects just like itoo allows. Also more distribution options would be a great addition.
Guest 6 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Convert multiple Scatters to Max Geometry with one click

There are some assets that comes with a lot of scatter objects and its very frustrating having to convert each one of them to max geometry, as current version doesnt have an option to do it automatically. Sometimes theres a need to convert to geom...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 1 Pending