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V-Ray for Cinema 4D

Showing 9 of 157

Add Displacement Maps in Material

Add Displacement Maps in Material instead of a seperate Tag - similar to the integration in Corona Renderer or even Redshift.
Christian Schneider 8 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Materials & Maps 2 Accepted

Support corona lights(the ones that exist also in v-ray)

As vray even supports redshift light now, it would be great if it could render or convert also Corona lights(the ones that are similar at least) light materials seem already to render thx!
stefan laub 2 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Data exchange & compatibility 0 Pending

Add new language, Chinese

Hope to add a Chinese language version
曾 洪 4 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Other 0 Pending

Camera focus plane and clipping plane

Hi All! I think it would be a great addition to the vray camera tag to have the ability to display a transparent focus plane" in the viewport so it makes setting up the correct focus distance a lot easier. It would be agreat addition to if there w...
Akos Kiss 4 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Cameras 0 Pending

Add suport for c4d foreground object

It would be great if vray support the built in foreground object in cinema 4d.
Akos Kiss 4 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Objects & Tags 0 Pending

Ambient light for DMP workflows

Please keep Ambient light object as it is the only way to render projection setups for DMP and for using branding background for color sensitive motion design jobs. The ambient light is the only way to keep a get a flat lighting output from V-Ray ...
Akos Kiss 5 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Lights 1 Declined

Generating Proxy Objects in C4D - Export each node to separate file

3DS Max has the "Export each node to separate file" so you can output a bunch at once. Pivots or object Axis are "relative to object" instead of world(cinema). These two things not being in Cinema currently makes generating proxy in cinema cumbers...
Wolfgang Himmelfarb 6 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Data exchange & compatibility 0 Pending

Dim falloff in GPU like CPU rendering

of vray i use practically only GPU rendering but there are some things that can't be done as a CPU yet. One shortcoming that no one has ever reported is the DIM distance in Reflection Advanced In CPU mode the falloff works as expected but in GP...
ny sn 6 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Rendering 0 Pending

Add an option to change the workflow to specular

Add an option to change the Glossiness/Metalness workflow to specular. Useful to make the use of external created assets in V-Ray C4D easier
Christian Schneider 8 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Materials & Maps 0 Declined