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V-Ray for Maya

Showing 6 of 157

Allow USD models to render native Maya-Vray shaders

For those with a library of Maya V-Ray shaders (which may use vray-specific features), it would be nice to be able to apply a material override to the USD models and assign the native maya-vray shaders, so vray knows to ignore the USD's models sha...
Michael Hickman 29 days ago in V-Ray for Maya / USD 0 Pending

Round edges with similar capabilities as Corona version.

Can we get an update on this, already very useful, feature? The options to add a bump map on the "virtual" surface area that this texture creates, as well as a map slot to control the radius of the round edge, would be great. These two options wou...
Alexandre Jacinto about 1 month ago in V-Ray for Maya / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

mask input for the vraycolorcorrection node

I think would be very usefull and lightweight instead of using layer nodes, mostly for procedural stuff like darkening/tint areas with cuvature/dirt, or lookdev characters with dedicated maps for make up, sweat, skintones.
Alessandro Fele about 2 months ago in V-Ray for Maya / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Procedural Bifrost Graph Support

All Maya users would benefit from a procedural system. Bifrost is growing with each release and it makes sense to support it.
Hernan Santander 6 months ago in V-Ray for Maya / Integration-specific 0 Pending

Reference in cosmos assets

Would be nice to have the option to reference in cosmos assets so when no longer required we can unload all the connected nodes which come in.
Stephen Hibberd 7 months ago in V-Ray for Maya / Workflow & Tools 0 Pending

Chaos Scatter slider options

I like the effects that the these values the Areas area offer but I hate having to type in values. A slider would much easier to dial in settings.
Hunter Williams 8 months ago in V-Ray for Maya / Other 0 Pending