Min/Max settings for VRayEnvironmentFog - height and distance
Similar to the idea of Aerial perspective and similar to what is in Vantage namely the Scattering fog, we need to have some simple control over the fog, for artistic purposes. Having the controls that are present in Vantage would be awesome. https...
Light filters like Barndoors, Gobos, Attenuation,...
There's currently only a very limited set of ways to control vray lights. Other renderers have a wide range of ways to shape and affect light sources. Ranging from simple barndoor controls, over spotlight control and softness to focus tinting and ...
There could be a notification in the log window in VFB where the problematic assets could have a link. This link will point to the object in the scene. Once the link is clicked it will select the object.
Min/Max settings for VRayAerialPerspective - height and distance
As per this post: https://forums.chaos.com/forum/v-ray-for-3ds-max-forums/v-ray-for-3ds-max-wishlist/1153390-min-max-settings-for-both-vrayaerialperspective-and-vrayenvironmentfog-height-and-distance#post1215996 VRayAerialPerspective Visibility ra...
Other renderers can convert textures to a tiled and mipmapped texture format before rendering automatically. The maps referenced in materials would still be pointing to the original png or jpg but the renderer will auto convert those to .tx or .ra...
Like the title says, it could be very handy to have an option to add Randomizer or Triplanar to all the maps that are connected to Multisubtex, instead on doing it manually
Is there a possibility to use Corona maps for GPU? There are some maps very useful that Vray doesnt have (Corona Tiles, Corona Front/Back, Corona Map Select, Corona Color Correct)