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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 133 of 133

VrayScannedMTL UVWRandomizer option.

As the scanned materials from VrayScans are very small areas, some Scans would greatly benefit from utilizing the UVWrandomizer. There's already a Triplanar option, so either an option for UVWRandomizer in the MTL itself or a mapping source input ...
Ashley Van Iseghem 4 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 2 Pending

Make a toggle option to not cast cloud shadows With regards to this thread - the method to have clouds in your scene, but not casting heavyu shadows into the sc...
Justin Dowling 7 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Pending

mask input for the vraycolorcorrection node

I think would be very usefull and lightweight instead of using layer nodes, mostly for procedural stuff like darkening/tint areas with cuvature/dirt, or lookdev characters with dedicated maps for make up, sweat, skintones.
Alessandro Fele 9 days ago in V-Ray for Maya / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Solution to set and have a control of a different Camera Target for each individual view

I am experiencing an issue with the target setup of the camera. I need to render in Batch mode and set a different depth of field for each camera view in the scene. The Vray camera setup options are as follows: Fixed Distance Camera Target Fixed P...
Graziano STAFFA 11 days ago in V-Ray for Sketchup / User interface 0 Pending

VRayScatterVolume | Add this material

Please :)
Piotr Chruściński 12 days ago in V-Ray for Sketchup / Materials & Maps 1 Pending

VRayLight | Includes/excludes objects

The option to include/exclude elements would really, really help in creating highlights for key details.
Piotr Chruściński 12 days ago in V-Ray for Sketchup / Lighting 0 Pending

Junk Matte

It would be cool to have junk mattes similar to the polygon region render but applied to the vrimage as a post effect. If you could add them as another MM similar to how you can add or subtract multiple MM currently. For photoshop users, VFB is th...
Wolfgang Himmelfarb 16 days ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / User interface 0 Pending

Color corrections per camera

Add the ability to change the stack of color correction layers in VFB according to a specific camera.
Dimitar Panayotov 17 days ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Pending

Render animated trees from Cosmos

Cosmos has animated trees now, but they can only be used with Vantage. I never have a need for a real time renderer, but instead often render out animation for use in video. I would really like to see these animated trees compatible with Scatter a...
Keith Lee 19 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Other 0 Pending

Access scatter instances positions as scene objects without converting

When scattering high resolution proxies its often the case that in order to use those objects to drive other scatters we need to use a distance map to generate a map for scatters. This is extremely inefficient because of the way the distance map w...
Guest 23 days ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 2 Pending