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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 60 of 60

Cylindrical type V-Ray Light

New type for the V-Ray Light - Cylindrical. Fast and easy way of creating a new form of render-friendly lights.
Peter Matanov 12 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 0 Pending

Option to not save junk denoise layers to EXR

Currently V-ray offers no way to choose which channels go into an EXR when we add a denoiser render element. Therefore compressed EXR's that could be a much needed 5-7mb suddenly bloat out to 40-50mb which is a massive drain on both hard drive spa...
Jai Eakin about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 1 Pending

Options for Displacement in Vray Material

Currently the Vray Material lacks for displacement options, it would be helpful to have proper units, shift values and keep continuity. The modifier has these options but having them directly in the material would be more practical in some situati...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

VrayMultiSubTex probability and integrated UVWRandomizer/Triplanar

Would be nice we could set a probability per color/map. AKA how likely is a color or map chosen. I'm trying to replace ForestColor and RailClone color with this map for randomization of carpaints, but I wouldn't want to duplicate slots to avoid ha...
Ashley Van Iseghem 26 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 3 Pending

Clumping / Cluster

We need some clustering / clumping options. Please please!
Guest about 2 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Vignette effect in VFB

This is probably the only reason why I am still using Photoshop/Camera RAW after VRay VFB 2.0. With this, VFB is almost perfect
Hill Lam 2 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 6 Planned

VFB Multiple Region Renders

Similar to corona, multiple region renders AND the render doesn't restart when resizing/moving the regions:
Ashley Van Iseghem 2 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 1 Planned

Ray Portal shader

V-Ray implementation of Ray Portal BSDF is expected. The Blender version is below.
yuji yanmaychi about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

VFB Standalone

To improve my workflow, a standalone version of VFB would be perfect. A request was made for a Vantage to VFB export function (which I voted for), which I think is an excellent idea. An idea that would go very well with a stand-alone VFB. I know i...
DAVID CHARDES 2 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 3 Pending

Select Objects with Problematic Material/Map in the Log

Similar to Corona where you can select objects that have problematic Materials/Maps in the Log.
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez about 1 month ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / User interface 0 Pending