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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 133 of 133

Histogram on VFB

A histogram on VFB to check the tonal range of the image without sending the image to photoshop (or similar) Corona has it built in on curves editor, but not great. Tks!
bruno carnevalli 5 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Pending

Min/Max settings for VRayAerialPerspective - height and distance

As per this post: VRayAerialPerspective Visibility ra...
Ashley Van Iseghem 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Environment & Effects 0 Pending

Ability to save multiple images from vfb history to jpg and other formats

It would be great to be able to save multiple images from the history at once, it would speed up the workflow significantly, or with each save to the history you could set it to save directly in jpg or other supported format.
Denis Sebesta 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Planned

Ivy generator

Ivy generator like C4D has in its Maxon One subsciption for Red Shift. Could be part of scatter.
Guest 5 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Vray Material in 3ds Max PBR Importer

There are only 2 options that we can create: Physical & PBR Materials Could we have an option to create V-Ray Materials in 3ds Max PBR Importer tool
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 1 Pending

Ability to set the scale for individual objects inside chaos scatter

I dont want to resize the original geometry for a lot of reasons, i want the ability to change the size of it inside chaos scatter. Thx!
Guest 6 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 0 Pending

Ability to Rate Results from Light Gen

Can we add the ability to mark off, label, star, delete, etc. certain Light Gen thumbnails? If I run 30 of them for example, most will be unusable and I would only want to render a few of them in full size. The problem is when I go back to select ...
Charles Messenger 24 days ago in V-Ray for Sketchup / Lighting 0 Pending

Add Displacement Mod in Lister

Similar to Coronas Lister where you can control all modifiers in the scene
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 4 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Workflow & Tools 0 Pending

Can we add noise reduction options to the Light Mix of the C4D version of VRay

VRay in 3dmax can denoise Light Mix, However, C4D does not have this feature, I think this function is very important in later software synthesis
123456 7 4 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Other 0 Pending

Select object with missed texture map

There could be a notification in the log window in VFB where the problematic assets could have a link. This link will point to the object in the scene. Once the link is clicked it will select the object.
Aleksandre Nozadze 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Workflow & Tools 1 Pending