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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 133 of 133

Lens simulator

Hi everyone. We made this idea to collect more opinions on a topic that is discussed right now in the forum. We would like to know whether you would use a simulation representing a specific lens. If yes, what kind of lenses would you like to have?...
Dimitar Panayotov 2 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Cameras / Rendering 2 Pending

Add Displacement Maps in Material

Add Displacement Maps in Material instead of a seperate Tag - similar to the integration in Corona Renderer or even Redshift.
Christian Schneider 7 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Materials & Maps 2 Accepted

Improve material preview quality in Material Editor

The blurry reflections and refractions in the material editor (both compact and Slate) can be very noisy, especially when viewing an enlarged shader ball. The increased noise makes it difficult to evaluate small noise bumps and overall shader qual...
David Parisi 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

VRayLight Include/Exclude layer

It would be very helpful if we could add an option to include/exclude whole layers from light affect list.
Georgi Bonchev 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 1 Pending

Access scatter instances positions as scene objects without converting

When scattering high resolution proxies its often the case that in order to use those objects to drive other scatters we need to use a distance map to generate a map for scatters. This is extremely inefficient because of the way the distance map w...
Guest 23 days ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 2 Pending

Option to not save junk denoise layers to EXR

Currently V-ray offers no way to choose which channels go into an EXR when we add a denoiser render element. Therefore compressed EXR's that could be a much needed 5-7mb suddenly bloat out to 40-50mb which is a massive drain on both hard drive spa...
Jai Eakin 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 3 Planned

Cylindrical type V-Ray Light

New type for the V-Ray Light - Cylindrical. Fast and easy way of creating a new form of render-friendly lights.
Peter Matanov 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 0 Planned

mask input for the vraycolorcorrection node

I think would be very usefull and lightweight instead of using layer nodes, mostly for procedural stuff like darkening/tint areas with cuvature/dirt, or lookdev characters with dedicated maps for make up, sweat, skintones.
Alessandro Fele 9 days ago in V-Ray for Maya / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Faster release of RAM after rendering is done.

Faster release of RAM after rendering intensive things (displacement, scatterers,...). I have the impression that when a render is cancelled or completed, Corona releases 3ds max a lot faster than V-Ray. There have been numerous threads about the ...
Ashley Van Iseghem 7 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Planned

Ability to use VrayDecal as a scatter element with ChaosScatter/ForestPack/Raiclone

Ability to use VrayDecal as a scatter element with ChaosScatter, and or ForestPack and RailClone. (like CoronaDecal works with ChaosScatter). We could have finally a way to texture bomb about anything on anything.
Ashley Van Iseghem 7 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 4 Pending