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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 12

Option to not save junk denoise layers to EXR

Currently V-ray offers no way to choose which channels go into an EXR when we add a denoiser render element. Therefore compressed EXR's that could be a much needed 5-7mb suddenly bloat out to 40-50mb which is a massive drain on both hard drive spa...
Jai Eakin 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 3 Planned

Cylindrical type V-Ray Light

New type for the V-Ray Light - Cylindrical. Fast and easy way of creating a new form of render-friendly lights.
Peter Matanov 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 0 Planned

Faster release of RAM after rendering is done.

Faster release of RAM after rendering intensive things (displacement, scatterers,...). I have the impression that when a render is cancelled or completed, Corona releases 3ds max a lot faster than V-Ray. There have been numerous threads about the ...
Ashley Van Iseghem 7 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Planned

Exclude objects visibility from Camera

Right now I use State sets in order to hide objects, but it could be very practical to hide them directly from camera
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Cameras 0 Planned

Select Objects with Problematic Material/Map in the Log

Similar to Corona where you can select objects that have problematic Materials/Maps in the Log.
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / User interface 0 Planned

Ability to save multiple images from vfb history to jpg and other formats

It would be great to be able to save multiple images from the history at once, it would speed up the workflow significantly, or with each save to the history you could set it to save directly in jpg or other supported format.
Denis Sebesta 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Planned

Better VFB sharpening layer

The sharpening function of the frame buffer works very badly, it produces strange halos. It would be nice if the sharpening would produce clean results like in Photoshop. Why sharpen? Sharpening with a large radius (e.g. 50) with low intensity imp...
Michael Fritzsche 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 1 Planned

Copy / Paste layers masks

As the title says, a way to copy / paste layer masks from one layer or folder to the other.
Ashley Van Iseghem 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Planned

More control when saving formats from vfb

More control when saving formats from vfb to jpg , png and others to have for example the possibility to set the bit depth and so on. It would also be great to leave the last selected save format set by default when saving.
Denis Sebesta 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Planned

color picker function for Vray color picker

Please add a color picker function to the V-Ray color picker with RGB/sRGB mode so we can pick colors both inside and outside of SketchUp. This feature is absolutely essential. Original Thread:
Dart Design 4 months ago in V-Ray for Sketchup / User interface 2 Planned