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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 137 of 137

Scatter tool scatters in geometric patterns

Hello all, New to Vray here. It would be great if the vray scattering tool could scatter the guest objects in specifice patterns. For example, a crowd of people (guests) standing in a circular distribution around a centerpoint facing the centerpoi...
Andrew Reeder about 1 month ago in V-Ray for Rhino / Other 0 Pending

AutoCorrect Gamma to NormalMap when using MultisubTex

Sometimes I use multiple maps in multisubTex and when its time to connect the normals, the auto gamma its not adjusted, this could be very handy to have rather to apply it manually to each texture
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 1 Pending

Area shadows for spotlights, direct lights, etc in Vray GPU

When using Standard lights such as Target Spot, Target Direct (and also other 3Ds Max lights such as Photometric Target Light) area shadows aren't supported. Please add support for area shadows so the quality achieved in CPU can be replicated when...
Suzanne Doherty 4 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 0 Pending

Camera Pulldown in VFB for Cinema 4D

The ability to choose cameras from a pulldown on the vfb, and have the vfb/ipr lock to the selected camera. Default "active." I believe max has the "lock" to camera which I've used before however I end up losing track of it because its somewhat ab...
Wolfgang Himmelfarb 6 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 1 Pending

Add a more recent update of Alsurface shader

Could you add a more recent version of the AlSurface shader with: - an addition of refraction - support for RandomWalk V2 - adding opacity cutout Thanks
Michael Attia 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Convert Enmesh to static geometry

It would be a very powerful modelling technique if Enmesh could be converted to a static geometry.
Alexander Atanasov 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Objects | Geometry 1 Declined

Cryptomatte duplicate material names fix.

Cryptomatte material differentiation between materials with the same name. As reported already, when materials share the same name, whether or not belonging to different multisub materials, Vray considers them the same material for masking, not su...
Ashley Van Iseghem 7 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 2 Pending

BitmapSelect Map

Corona has this map that its very useful to have multiple options for a material, right now its compatible with Vray but not with Vantage
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Toon Line shader equivalent to Maya version

Please add the same Toon Edges Override as the Maya version to the 3dsMax version of Toon Mtl.
yuji yanmaychi 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Environment Override in Camera

Similar to Corona camera where we can have environment overrides, this way, we can have more control per camera instead of having a global configuration and save changes for each camera in state sets or Pulze
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 4 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Cameras 0 Pending