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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


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Showing 16

Evironment override map

Currently if we need to put a background map into the render we need to use 3ds Max Environment and Effects, I think this is a little confusing, could we have a dedicated slot into the Environment tab in V-Ray Tab? similar to Corona Scene environm...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 4 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Environment & Effects 3 Declined

Refocus and reset the depth of field in VFB.

Nuke has this feature, using Z channel data for refocusing. I hope VRay VFB can do the same.
Hill Lam 5 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Declined

Purchase the rights for old Mental Ray plugins so the scene converter can import them

Is there any way Chaos could buy up the rights to make scene converter work with old Mental Ray scenes? I would love to be able to open up some old projects and freshen them up.
Justin Dowling 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Workflow & Tools 0 Declined

VFB Camera exposure

Can we add an option to get a camera exposure direct from the VFB, instead of adjusting on the camera properties? I know they are handled differently, but it makes sense if you are doing an IPR and need to adjust exposure quickly. The way Exposure...
bruno carnevalli 5 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Declined

save .mat when export as VrayProxy

I think that adding this option could improve this process, sometimes I export objects and 3ds crash and I couldnt save changes and I need to redo the operation again, saving the .mat could save me time
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Objects | Geometry 0 Declined

Right-Click Self Illumination/Rest in Lightmix

In Lightmix we can select the desired light with Right-Click, but we cant select objects tha are in Self Illumination & Rest channels, although If we separate emissive material we can have them as channels and select them, could we have the op...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 2 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Declined