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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


All ideas

Showing 16

Switching denoising engine in the VFB

Why not decide which denoiser to use later in the VFB?
Hill Lam 7 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 13 Declined

texture switch

a texture switch exactly like a VRay Material switch
qBit Pixels about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 4 Declined

Add Custom Watermarking from VFB

It would be helpful to have a watermarking layer in the VFB. One that we could load our own logos with transparency. Great for preliminary render review for clients, and saves me the hassle of having to watermark manually in another application.
Charles Messenger 5 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 1 Declined

Load in cryptomatte alpha to act as render region matte

It would be great if you could load in a black and white map jpeg sequence (or an PNG with unpremult alpha) to act as a custom render region. So if you need to re-render just one element in your shot you can isolate it and do it quickly. Thanks
Sean Lewis about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 5 Declined

Redesign the VFB history display

I find the VFB's history column to be very clunky in implementation. The thumbnails resize awkwardly when the column width is adjusted, sometimes they stack sometimes they fall into a row depending on how wide it is. Please have them remain in a c...
Steve Davy about 1 month ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 8 Declined

Convert Enmesh to static geometry

It would be a very powerful modelling technique if Enmesh could be converted to a static geometry.
Alexander Atanasov 7 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Objects | Geometry 1 Declined

VrayLightMtl Options

Could we have more options in VrayLightMtl I know that there is Vray Mesh Ligth but sometimes its not very practical to convert objects to Light specially when its a part from an object, we need to detach elements and then convert them to Lights.
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 4 Declined

Vray-Scene Manager

Maybe make Vray-Scene manager, similar to asseble huge scenes with xRefs in 3ds max, but much smarter and faster, maybe like assembling vray scenes in one max file. Or even better example is USD workflow, that looks very cool for big scenes and th...
Andrei Mikhalenka 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Workflow & Tools 4 Declined

Lights statistic to V-Ray Profiler

add a lights statistic feature to the V-Ray Profiler. It would be very helpful to analyze how much each light contributes to render times. This would make debugging very complex scenes much easier.
Andrei Mikhalenka 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 8 Declined

Crop before saving

The ability to crop the image in VFB before saving it. This would avoid having to open Photoshop (or whatever) just to do this. Thank you.
DAVID CHARDES 7 months ago in V-Ray Frame Buffer  / Features 0 Declined