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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


Materials & Maps

Showing 18

Improve material preview quality in Material Editor

The blurry reflections and refractions in the material editor (both compact and Slate) can be very noisy, especially when viewing an enlarged shader ball. The increased noise makes it difficult to evaluate small noise bumps and overall shader qual...
David Parisi about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Options for Displacement in Vray Material

Currently the Vray Material lacks for displacement options, it would be helpful to have proper units, shift values and keep continuity. The modifier has these options but having them directly in the material would be more practical in some situati...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 1 Pending

V-Ray Tiles

A dedicated Tiles generator like Bercon Tiles/Corona Tiles but built for V-Ray, Compatibility with BerconGradient or dedicated gradient map to create more complex tiles
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

VrayMultiSubTex probability and integrated UVWRandomizer/Triplanar

Would be nice we could set a probability per color/map. AKA how likely is a color or map chosen. I'm trying to replace ForestColor and RailClone color with this map for randomization of carpaints, but I wouldn't want to duplicate slots to avoid ha...
Ashley Van Iseghem 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 3 Pending

Ray Portal shader

V-Ray implementation of Ray Portal BSDF is expected. The Blender version is below.
yuji yanmaychi 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

2 Sided material/thing walled Render Element

Straight forward render element to get The translucent of all objects at once.
bruno carnevalli 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Auto conversion of textures to .tx or similar

Other renderers can convert textures to a tiled and mipmapped texture format before rendering automatically. The maps referenced in materials would still be pointing to the original png or jpg but the renderer will auto convert those to .tx or .ra...
Martin Geupel 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Add Randomizer/Triplanar to MultisubTex

Like the title says, it could be very handy to have an option to add Randomizer or Triplanar to all the maps that are connected to Multisubtex, instead on doing it manually
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

LightMtl - Direct Illumination on MultisubMtl

VrayLightMtl has been limited since very long time, hope you can delete Direct Illumination restriction soon
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending

Corona Maps for GPU

Is there a possibility to use Corona maps for GPU? There are some maps very useful that Vray doesnt have (Corona Tiles, Corona Front/Back, Corona Map Select, Corona Color Correct)
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez about 1 month ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 0 Pending